100 Pages Timothy Mousseau et Sarah A. Todd de University of South CArolina
Date Written: April 11, 2023
Nuclear energy and its derivatives have long been the subject of considerable debate. Tritium, or H3, the lightest of all radionuclides, is usually the single largest radioactive substance emitted as a part of normal nuclear power plant operations. Because H3 is a low energy beta emitter it is often discounted as a threat to biological systems. Given the planned release of 1.3M tons of tritiated water to the Pacific Ocean at the Fukushima Daichi Nuclear Power Plant, there is great interest concerning what is known concerning its effects on biological systems, including humans.
As a first step towards addressing these concerns, we have generated a database of the scientific and grey literatures based on studies that might have some bearing on this issue. Using ISI’s Web of Science, Google Scholar, and EBSCO Academic Search Complete, we scanned over 700,000 references to tritium to arrive at about 250 studies that addressed some aspect of its biological consequences. The first conclusion from this review is that there is surprisingly sparce coverage of a topic of such great concern to so many. There are no published studies of tritium effects on human cancers, and very few of tritium effects in natural systems. The vast majority of studies of tritium effects have been conducted using laboratory organisms, making extrapolation to natural conditions tenuous. Our second conclusion is that contrary to some popular notions that tritium is a relatively benign radiation source, the vast majority of published studies indicate that exposures, especially those related to internal exposures, can have significant biological consequences including damage to DNA, impaired physiology and development, reduced fertility and longevity, and can lead to elevated risks of diseases including cancer. Our principal message is that tritium is a highly underrated environmental toxin that deserves much greater scrutiny.
Keywords: Tritium, HTO, H3, radiation, nuclear accidents, Fukushima
Connue / GPF
Traduction de la dernière phrase du résumé "Contrairement à la pensée courante que le tritium est une source de radiation relativement bénine, la majorité des publications indique qu'une exposition, particulièrement celles internes, peuvent avoir des conséquences biologiques significatives incluant des dommages à l'ADN, ???, réduction de la fertilité et de la longévité, et peuvent augmenter le risque de dégats incluant des cancers. Notre principal message est que le tritium est une toxine sévère dans l'environnement qui fait des dégats sévères dans l'environnement??"
Le dixième anniversaire de la catastrophe nucléaire de Fukushima, le 11 mars 2021, sera probablement marqué par de nombreux bilans et récits rétrospectifs. On peut parier que peu d’entre eux proposeront un angle aussi original que le livre Radiations et révolution, paru à la fin de février. Rédigé par Sabu Kohso, un théoricien japonais des …
Catégories Histoire de l'énergie, Idées et références
Catégories Histoire de l'énergie, Idées et références
Le dixième anniversaire de la catastrophe nucléaire de Fukushima, le 11 mars 2021, sera probablement marqué par de nombreux bilans et récits rétrospectifs ... peu d’entre eux proposeront un angle aussi original que le livre Radiations et révolution, paru à la fin de février. Rédigé par Sabu Kohso, un théoricien japonais des luttes sociales et un militant anticapitaliste de longue date, il raconte comment les citoyens et les groupes sociaux se sont positionnés face à la catastrophe et comment les diverses réponses se sont inscrites dans la continuité des luttes amorcées dans la foulée de la destruction d’Hiroshima et de Nagasaki en 1945.
La thèse de l’ouvrage est assez complexe et emprunte à plusieurs courants de la pensée marxiste et altermondialiste. Elle présente l’industrie nucléaire comme le résultat d’une alliance malsaine entre le capital, l’État et l’armée et l’un des visages d’un capitalisme apocalyptique nous menant par touches imperceptibles vers un monde dystopique et hostile au vivant. En ce sens, les radiations s’accumulent et menacent la vie tout autant que les polluants chimiques, le plastique ou les changements climatiques. L’industrie nucléaire, entourée de secret et incompréhensible au commun des mortels, porte en soi les germes d’un État de plus en plus technocratique et autoritaire.
nucléotides, les particules issues de la fission de l’uranium, qui se diffusent dans la chaîne alimentaire et ont effet permanent aux fois ingérées et fixées par les organismes vivants – y compris chez l’être humain.
L’auteur fait de grands efforts pour relier son propos à diverses théories sociales et philosophiques. La géophilosophie de Deleuze et Guattari forme l’un des principaux fils conducteurs de l’ouvrage, mais on trouve aussi des références aux théories de la domination de la technique (notamment celle de Günther Anders) et à divers ouvrages relevant des traditions marxistes et altermondialistes. Kohso inscrit la résistance à Fukushima dans la continuité des luttes militantes des années 1960, elles-mêmes présentées comme une réaction à la mainmise de l’État capitaliste nucléarisé mis en place au Japon dans les années 1950.
il présente le Japon autrement que sous l’angle de la société hautement consensuelle et conformiste que nous imaginons volontiers en Occident. Le parti pris en faveur des gens ordinaires et de leur expérience subjective est aussi un contrepoint bienvenu aux analyses hautement techniques et abstraites qui pullulent autour des événements de Fukushima.
Source :
Kohso, Sabu. Radiations et révolution: Capitalisme apocalyptique et luttes pour la vie au Japon, Éditions de la rue Dorion et Éditions Divergences, 2021, 320 pages.
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"The truth about mobile phone and wireless radiation: what we know, what we need to find out, and what you can do now"
Presented by Dr Devra Davis, Visiting Professor of Medicine at the Hebrew University Hadassah Medical School, and Visiting Professor of Medicine at Ondokuz Mayis University, Turkey.
The Lecture
What are the health effects of mobile phones and wireless radiation? While Australia has led the world in safety standards, including compulsory seat-belt legislation, plain packaging on cigarettes, and product and food disclosure legislation, it falls behind in addressing the significant issues associated with mobile phone use. In this Dean’s Lecture, epidemiologist and electromagnetic radiation expert, Dr Devra Davis, will outline the evolution of the mobile phone and smartphone, and provide a background to the current 19 year old radiation safety standards (SAR), policy developments and international legislation. New global studies on the health consequences of mobile/wireless radiation will be presented, including children’s exposure and risks.
The Speaker
Dr Devra Davis is an internationally recognised expert on electromagnetic radiation from mobile phones and other wireless transmitting devices. She is currently the Visiting Professor of Medicine at the Hebrew University Hadassah Medical School, and Visiting Professor of Medicine at Ondokuz Mayis University, Turkey. Dr Davis was Founding Director of the Center for Environmental Oncology at The University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute — the first institute of its kind in the world, to examine the environmental factors that contribute to the majority of cases of cancer.
In 2007, Dr Devra Davis founded nonprofit Environmental Health Trust to provide basic research and education about environmental health hazards. Dr Davis served as the President Clinton appointee to the Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board in the U.S.A. from 1994–1999, an independent executive branch agency that investigates, prevents and mitigates chemical accidents.
As the former Senior Advisor to the Assistant Secretary for Health in the Department of Health and Human Services, she has counseled leading officials in the United States, United Nations, European Environment Agency, Pan American Health Organization, World Health Organization, and World Bank.
Dr Davis holds a B.S. in physiological psychology and an M.A. in sociology from the University of Pittsburgh, 1967. She completed a PhD in science studies at the University of Chicago as a Danforth Foundation Graduate Fellow, 1972 and a M.P.H. in epidemiology at the Johns Hopkins University as a Senior National Cancer Institute Post-Doctoral Fellow, 1982. She has authored more than 200 publications and has been published in Lancet and Journal of the American Medical Association as well as the Scientific American and the New York Times.
Dr Devra Davis is an internationally recognised expert on electromagnetic radiation from mobile phones and other wireless transmitting devices.
Transcription :
my name is Eva Maria I'm the Dean of engineering here at University of Melbourne ...
01:12 let me just introduce dr. Deborah Davis who doesn't probably need an awful lot of introduction the dr. Deborah Davis is a visiting professor of medicine at the Hebrew university Hadassah medical school and also in Turkey at under Kuzma University
she's an expert studying doctor magnetic radiation for mobile phones and wireless transmitting devices at present she was the founding director of the center for environmental oncology which was the first such Center in the world and was established University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute and he was linking looking at the environmental factors that contribute to cancers in 2007 she founded a non-profit environmental health trust to provide basic research and education about environmental impact on health hazard she served as President Clinton's appointee on the Chemical Safety and hazard Investigation Board in the United States from 94 to 99 there was an independent executive branch of the government that ...
02:44 she holds a Bachelor of Science in psychology a Master of Arts in sociology she has a PhD in science from University of Chicago and she has a master of public health in epidemiology from the John Hopkins University a lot of degrees she has also smore than 200 publications ...
05:18 questions to be asked about mobile phone radiation today without any doubt but...
05:34 because Australia has been a leader in research in the field of Electrical Engineering and it's applications to medicin ...
you have an iPhone now I assume you ...
07:59 right now click on RF exposure now ...
as-tested exposure guidelines and by the way the iPhone does ...
invisible to the visible ionizing radiation gamma rays x-rays over here and light here this is from our pond so you will see here they say FM radio microwave oven radiant heat of course microwave oven ...
mobile phone the cordless phone the Wi-Fi monitor the baby monitor they all use the same frequency they differ in power they also differ because mobile phones and Wi-Fi devices emit pulsed microwave radiation it's the pulse not the power that appears to be biologically most important the pulse that is erratic and irregular like for thousands of minutes ...
have a lot of therapeutic effects as are being applied in medicine today ...
can affect a biological system this is just to show you what happens in a four-second mobile phone call this is power density indicated ...
the cumulative integrative dose under the curve over a lifetime exposure that looks to be biologically important now exposure is the kind of funny thing there's a rather widely distributed paper by Ken Foster and CK Cho that said that the exposure of an adult and the exposure of a child is identical and therefore there's no real difference in how the radiation might be affecting them well let me ...
using MRI to create the models with one millimetre voxels ...
phone modeled into the pocket and this again is based on normalized SAR with a dipole antenna and there are many different variables you can alter in coming up with this kind of simulation right the number of antenna whether it's gsm cdma whether it's simultaneously operating only one antenna or more than one ...
radar of course gave birth to the microwave ...
brain the hippocampus ...
motility this is a measure of the mitochondrial DNA damage they have three times as much damage on their DNA if they have been exposed to mobile phone radiation as compared to controls and now the issue is why does it take a half a billion sperm to make just one healthy baby it takes a lot of sperm to make a healthy baby the answer is because sperm don't know how to ask for directions but they are easy to study and these research has been done in India in the United States at the Cleveland Clinic and around the world so many different studies have been done on sperm damage at OCA with mobile phone radiation that in the seventh edition of the textbook biostatistics in medicine Stanton glance concludes that the evidence linking mobile phone radiation to sperm damage is causal meaning there clearly is a cause of damage to sperm for mobile phone radiation ...
in male fertility who started to treat men at infertility clinics and noticed that this was a major contributor to their fertility problems now experimental studies have been done also in India to confirm this kind of damage not just looking at prenatal exposure or early life exposure but taking middle aged rats 70 day old male rats that's middle age for rat and exposing them to hours a day for 45 days to a computer-generated mo phone signal and those results show lower testosterone which is a very important hormone for a male men and women both have testosterone men just need a lot more of it and also increases of DNA damage as measured by certain enzymes and the and the offspring had lower fertility and this is just to show you this is a normal test this you see the boundaries the cell wall looks very nice and this is after microwave radiation exposure ...
evidence and decided that mobile phone radiation was a possible human carcinogen how many people had heard that okay it's interesting ...
for the World Health Organization looked at all the evidence at the time in 201? ...
siting policies Israel which is a country that has a lot of important issues to deal with right now has a National Institute on non ionizing radiation they say no Wi-Fi in kindergarten they all prefer wired over ...
59:48 you can minimize exposure ...
Connue / https://twitter.com/pnavidi/status/1282027856491675649
navidi @pnavidi · 11 juil. En réponse à @fadouce et @StephaneHalimi
il ne s'agit pas de la 5G en particulier mais des ondes EM en général, l'approche d'une mesure immédiate (instantanée) n'est pas une bonne approche, plusieurs effets ne se manifestent qu'avec le temps...regardez cette vidéo et vous comprendrez - 0 - 1 - 0