Sustainable woodfuel value chains in Africa: Governance, social, economic and ecological dimensions
Woodfuel (charcoal and firewood) constitutes over 70% of the energy needs for cooking and heating in sub-Saharan Africa
the African Forestry and Wildlife Commission (AFWC) requested FAO to support the compilation, analysis and dissemination of good practices for sustainable charcoal production as well as the adoption of alternative sources of energy and recommended that FAO support countries in the formulation and implementation of national charcoal strategies
The conference focuses on the following themes:
- Wood fuel production and use: Environmental impacts and sustainable pathways.
- Socio-economics of wood fuel value chains: Resilience, trade, livelihoods and health.
- Governance, including policy, legislation, institutional mechanisms and justice in the wood fuel sector.
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CIFOR Afrique centrale @CIFOR_forets · 15 juil. #RendezVous
Nous organisons en collaboration avec d'autres institutions, une conférence hybride (physique et virtuelle) sur les chaînes de valeur durables du bois-énergie en Afrique.
Calendrier Du 23-25 novembre 2021
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